Below you can find vintage photographs of the World War II (WWII) made by different photography agencies during the war.
The Second World War was documented on a huge scale by thousands of photographers and artists who created millions of pictures. American, british and german military photographers representing all of the armed services covered the battlefronts around the world. Every activity of the war was depicted--training, combat, support services, and much more. On the home front, war agencies produced and collected pictures, posters, and cartoons on such subjects as war production, rationing, and civilian relocation.

British Officil Photograph.
A cruiser tank waiting for orders, concealed in a Kentish wood, form enemy air observation. |

Central Press Photos LTD
A typical scene in a British shipyard where the framework of a new ship is beginning to take shape |

British official Photograph
After the landing craft has been lowered on to the launching slip a bulldozer pushes the craft. |

Ministry of Information
Walking in the grounds at Broadlands by the river Test. R. Lady Louis Mountbatten,Lord Louis Mountbatten, the H. Pamela Mountbatten, Lady Diana Howard-Johson and her son Richard |

British Official Photograph
Belgiam kiddies and ATS officers, Com. Mary Churchill,daugther of the British Prime Minister meet by a little grotto or shrine near the gun site |

British Official Photograph
The flight deck officer guiding a Martlet into land with the bats. British aircrfat carrier H.M.S. Formidable, on war service. |

British official photograph
Bremen surrendered to British forces on April 26.
British infantry among one of the docks that has suffered much from R.A.F. bombing |

British Official Photograph
Tanks of the Coldstream Guards firing into woods where the enemy are still holding out. 1945 |

Charles de Gaulle checking the infantry |

Planet news Ltd.
Northern Ireland. Some of the new arrivals , all smiles, as they come alongside the quay |

Fox Photos
Liberation of Channel Islands Jersey
Prisoners going aboard L.S.T. bound for England |

British Official photograph. .Admiralty Photo Crown
Crew of H.M.S. Northern Sky, the naval trawler which destroyed a Heinkel by a machine gun fire on patrol in the Norh Atlantic |

British Official Photograph
General Ress, 19 th. Divisional Commander, directing the battle of Mandalay |

British Official Photograph
Admiralty Photograph Crown
Explosions in the water as men of the L.C.O.C.U |

British official Photograph
Picture taken during a recent visite to an R.A.F. Establishemnt when the Prime Minister saw out latest and biggest bombers |

British Official Photograph
Parachute troops in training. The service takes to silk. Recruits make their first parachute jumps from a captive balloon |

British Official Photograph
Field Marshal Montgomery, who believes in seeing things for himself, watches Royal Engineers building Bailey Bridge |

British Official Photograph. Air Ministry Photo Crown
In the early morning light dark shape slips over the hostile coastline and heads towards Britain |

British official Photograph
The floating section of the Bailey Bridge at Dusseldorf |

British Official Photograph
Air Ministry Photograph Crown
These picture shows men at work overhauling and preparing a Wellington Bomber |

British Official Photograph
Two men writing home before the day's work on patrol. The mosquito nets keep flies away |

British Official Photograph
A few of the italian fields guns blown up in the leaguer. Alamein Area. New Zealand troops |

British Official Photograph
Royal India Navy sloop on patrol
Hoisting a depth charge on to a thrower |

Associated Press
Winning battles of the Atlantic in Britihs shipyards. Here high speed rivetting and drilling is seen going on in the foreground a ship is rapidly taking shape. |

Stukas |

Brittish Official Photograph. War Office photograph.
Eight army capture Foly-f
Florence road (route 67) links Italy's major cities. (Apenines) |

Supplied L.N.A.
Britains oild field.
Men at workk boring the deepest well in England. 7.400 ft. |

Frente de la Batalla de Hungría. Una patrulla de granaderos alemanes avanza cautelosamente para escrutinar las posiciones enemigas |

British Official Photograph
South East Asis Photograph
Men of the 36 th. Division moving up to the front. Route to Mandalay |

British Official Photograph
Transports moving up under heavy germany bombing. Liby battlefield |

Brithish Official Photograph
War office photograph
A Czech trench morter section in action on a range in the Western Command |

British Official Photograph
War Office photograph
Cleaning the barrel of a 6 pounder after firing Australian troops in the western desert. |

British Official Photograph
Bailey Bridge over the Rhine at Dusseldorf |

British Official Photograph
Admiralty photograph
On board a troops transport. Practice at manning the lifeboats |

British Official Photograph
War office photograph
Testing a tank on Blitzed houses |

British Official Photograph
Air Ministry Photograph
Distant iiews of bomb bursts an fire burning. Rotterdam |

British Official Photograph
Air Ministry Photograph.
Aircraftwomen checking the desert equipment |

Gimnasia al aire libre |

Frente Adriatico. Lanzacohetes en acción contra las líneas anglonorteamericanas |

British Official Photograph.
Air Ministry Photograph
In a case a Spitfire pilot seeing that a flying bomb appeared to be about to fall on a gun site, dived underneath the bomb and turned it off its course. These photographs taken from the ground show a Spitfire approaching, closing in on, an finally tipping over a flying bomb |

British Official Photograph
Britihs transport passing over a German flag which lies in the road at Celle |

Frente aleman de Curlandia. Utilizando una máquina agrícola como camuflaje |

British Official Photograph
Making use of all available cover this anti tank rifleman is an isoleted but powerful means of defence |

Soldado americano guareciendose tras un cañon antitanque aleman inutilizado , durante la lucha en las calles de Aquisgran |

Granaderos alemanes que han construido sus posiciones bajo la proteccion del declive de la carretera |

British Official Photograph
British Navy rescues Norwegian islanders
This Seroy family, now in safety, spent three months living in caves |

Foto Agencia Calpe
Shop assistants in Gloucester have volunteered to work on the land
Ciudadanos ingleses recogiendo la cosecha. 1943. |

British Official Photograph
War Office Photograph
German midget submarines |

Fotografía Orbis Photo
Soldados alemanes soltando un globo
meteorológico |

British Official Photograph
War Office Photograph
A day with the tanks in the Western desert
Soldados descansando en el desierto |

British Official Photograph
War office photograph
Home guards marines will defend Windermere
Soldados ingleses en maniobras |

Britsh Official Photograph
War Office Photograph
The advance to Ferrara
Civilians refugees
El avance hacia Ferrara. Refugiados |

British Official Photograph
Air Ministry photograph
Farm horses plouagh peacefully on the airfield as a Halifax bomber flies overhead |

British Official Photograph
Admiralty photography
Fisherman's gift to northern Patrol |

Australian Official Photograph
Australia Ministry of Information
After preparation in the drawing frames , flax is fed to a spinning frame , where it is converted into yarn |

British Official Photograph
War office photograph
People of Lunenburg listening to the end of war |

Central Press
Shipbuilders |

Fox Photos
Eversham Market. Small flower pots |

KY. Keystone
The new Waterloo Bridge.
London |

KY. Keystone
The new Waterloo Bridge under construction |

Fox Photos
War time London by Moonlight
Londres de Noche 1942. Tiempos de guerra. |

Topical Press
Sixteen years old boys signed today on for work on National Importance. 16 years old girls signing on at Westminster Labour exchange this morning (1942) |

British official photograph. Admiralty photograph
British sailors learn the art of street fighting. Sniping from bombed houses |

British Official Photograph.
War office photograph
British forces assault on Tilburg. Scenes near Tilburg as troops move up into Tilburg. Scottish troops |

Keystone Photo
View of the canteen in one of the new shelters today. This particular section is named after Sir Francis Drake |

Charles E. Brown
Mersa Matruh |

British Official Photograph
Picture which shows something of the part by the Royal Navy in the crossing of the Rhine. Picture Shows
Naval mobile crane party lifting a landing craft from a transporte on the Rhine Other craft are in the background. |

Mininstry of Information Photograph
Visiting a factory which formerly manufactured perambulators, bab chairs and cots. The king was interesting in girls workers now producing munitions for the Ministry of Supply
In the corner of a fuze shop, the King see the fuzes pile up |

British Official Photograph
Indian War industries Iron and Steal Production
Picture showing the large scale production of iron an steal by the well kwon firm of TATA
Photo shows Plates for the shipyards being transferred by electric magnets to the truck for dispatch |

Bote de naufragos segunda guerra Mundial vistos desde el avion de rescate Sunderland |

La firma de la rendicion alemana en Reims segunda guerra mundial |

Londres Catedral de San Pablo entre humo bombas |

Pescadores ingleses y gaviotas Segunda Guerra Mundial. |

Venecia Crucero HMS en sus canales |

Vida campestre en Overbury Rebano de ovejas Segunda guerra Fox agencia |

Acorazado. Agencia Charles E. Brown
1942 |

U.O.V Verney official. Photographer SGD. |

British official photograph. Francotirador (sniper). |